Metro Paint and Coating

Quality residential, commercial, and industrial painting solutions tailored to your needs.

Trusted by countless satisfied clients.


Our Painting Services

High-quality painting solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial projects in Melbourne.

Residential Painting
four orange, green, blue, and red paint rollers
four orange, green, blue, and red paint rollers

Expert services tailored to enhance your home's aesthetic and value with precision.

brown wooden staircase near blue bicycle
brown wooden staircase near blue bicycle
Commercial Painting

Professional painting solutions designed to meet the unique needs of your business environment.

Industrial Painting

Durable coatings for industrial spaces, ensuring long-lasting results and minimal downtime.

"Shape the future by building it."

You didn’t come this far to stop

person covered by holi powder
person covered by holi powder
a multicolored tile wall with a pattern of small squares
a multicolored tile wall with a pattern of small squares
assorted-color paintbrushes
assorted-color paintbrushes
woman in white hijab smiling

Predict the future by creating it

You didn’t come this far to stop

two throw pillows in couch
two throw pillows in couch
a group of brown boots
a group of brown boots
man holding white ceramic teacup
man holding white ceramic teacup
a living room filled with furniture and a large window
a living room filled with furniture and a large window